Calling All Soul-Seekers and Meaning-Makers!

Welcome to the Wildish blog.

Whether you’re an old, wild soul and you know it, or this is your first introduction to the wildish nature, you’re in the right place. I have so much insight and inspiration to share with you in the weeks and months ahead. I’m so glad you’re here.

“Did you know, you were born as the first,
and the last and the best and the only one of your kind, and that eccentricity is the first sign of giftedness?

We begin at the beginning.

First, what does it mean to embody your wildish nature?

Embodying your wildish nature means finding your true north & stepping into full, authentic expression.

It takes first recognizing that who you are is so essential.

And doing the work to discover and connect to who you are at your center.

Engaging with your inner world and allowing it to inform who you are in the “real world.”

Embracing your originality and the little eccentricities that make you so uniquely you.

It’s learning how to examine the expectations that fill your days, and ultimately your life, and begin to discern what’s really important.

In this big, wild, wonderful world, it’s easy to let the essential you get buried under an ever-growing list of to-do’s.

Embodying your wildish nature means placing yourself first on your list of priorities and holding yourself accountable for getting to know the real you. I guarantee, she will fascinate you.

“If I am not I, who will be?”


As a licensed psychotherapist, and a fellow soul-seeker and meaning-maker, I’m passionate about helping others restore a deep connection to self in order to create the life they want with intentionality that comes from authenticity.

Having gone through deep challenges in my own life, I know what it feels like to lose touch with who you are. I’ve also learned what it takes to get reacquainted with yourself and stay connected to your center, in the midst of life in the modern wilderness.

In the weeks and months ahead, I want to teach you the methods I’ve learned for growing deeper into yourself and making meaning out of even the most mundane aspects of your life.

I want to empower you to own your whole story – your light, your dark, your past wounds, and your greatest gifts. To embrace the fullness of who you are and start showing up as the most unapologetic and authentic version of you.

I want to inspire you and help you unleash your wildish nature in everything you do. Because a life well-lived, depends on it.

I can’t wait to get started. But first, I want to hear from you. What brings you to my neck of the woods? What about the wildish nature resonates with you the most?  Are there any specific subjects you’d like me to write about? Please tell me in the comments!

In Love & Wildness,

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  • Hi Joanna!

    I am so happy I’ve found your site – the thought of being able to bring back my wildish nature is truly exhilarating after being in a slumber for so long. I’ve always felt a piece of me that is definitely four footed (thanks Clarissa Pinkola Estes!) and yet I am curious as to how she ended up so hidden away and what I can do to fully bring her back! I’ve found that somatics have helped me to be able to feel that she is there but I’m at a loss at what to do next!

    • Welcome, Sarah! This is a beautiful, harrowing journey and worth the undertaking. I am glad you are here and that you have found somatics. Your body won’t lie to you! If you feel called, you might check out some of the recordings of my previous lessons on the chapters of Women Who Run With the Wolves. You can find them on my courses page here.